Comic #2430: death by dry spot

More Natalie Dee comics:

Comic #3299: doctor unicorn md

Natalie Dee comic: doctor unicorn md * Text: doctor unicorn now accepting all major insurance

Comic #3430: dont touch him

Natalie Dee comic: dont touch him * Text: dont touch me

Comic #3100: your lopsided buddy

Natalie Dee comic: your lopsided buddy * Text: hey buddy

Comic #648: limes

Natalie Dee comic: limes * Text: 

Pretending that my crabapple tree is actually growing limes is better than dwelling on all the rotten crabapples I am going to have to pick up from my yard in a month.

Whoa! Lookit all those limes!

There are over 4,000
Natalie Dee comics.

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