More Natalie Dee comics:

Comic #2345: apple drunk

Natalie Dee comic: apple drunk * Text: oooh crud im all fucked up on rotten apples

Natalie Dee comic: custom mini forehead * Text: 

i want an eye lift, and i want them lifted to here.

Comic #3466: sippy cup roulette

Natalie Dee comic: sippy cup roulette * Text: sippy cup of unknown provenance whats inside juice from lunch water milk from dinner milk from a week and a half ago transformed into a solid sippy cup shaped lump of cheese theres only one way to figure it out

Comic #852: tube cookies

Natalie Dee comic: tube cookies * Text: 
but you better not say they aren't homemade after i tried to not burn them.

INSTANT TUBE COOKIES: just like factory box cookies, only they charge you more to cook them yourself.

There are over 4,000
Natalie Dee comics.

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